Urbanists International
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Urbanists International Launch an Extraordinary Success!

Urbanists International led its first official delegation to Havana, Cuba on February 21-24, 2003 to formally launch our new organization and our Havana Project. Our delegation was enthusiastically received by leading Cuban architects, planners, preservationists and high-ranking government officials. By all accounts, the trip was a phenomenal success.

Our discussions centered around these ideas:

  • Good city planning and preservation know no political boundaries. It is not about US policy or Cuban political ideology. The Cuban architects, preservationists, planners, political leaders, and citizens agreed with their global guests and counterparts that we are all the caretakers of our built environment. If we do not act in a preemptive manner, the identity of our cities will be forever lost to future generations.

  • Historic, culturally sensitive places are becoming endangered at an alarming rate. Once the original urban fabric is lost or becomes overwhelmed by international icons, there is no possibility for regeneration. We issued a wake-up call to city officials and developers from around the globe that people are tired of seeing their cities denigrated.

  • The Cuban people care deeply about the future of their cities. UI advisors established a powerful, simpatico connection with Cuban architects, preservationists and top ranking government leaders. It was a great start to a very positive and constructive exchange. We look forward to returning to Havana at the invitation of the Cuban government to continue this dialogue with a broader circle of global and local urbanists who espouse these values and want to share them broadly.

UI Delegation
Our group shares concern for the world's urban fabric and a common belief that important lessons can be learned from the approach that Cuba takes to urban development in the coming years. A list of all UI delegates follows below.

Audience Tour Group
Our meetings in Havana included presentations by members of the UI delegation and our Cuban counterparts. We also spent time touring the city.

Leal - Jeff - Sam Restoration
Dr. Eusebio Leal, Historian for the City of Havana (left), with Jeff Horowitz and US Congressman Sam Farr (D-CA), described the wonderful restoration work his office is undertaking in old Havana. Old Havana Restoration (right): UI's interest extends well beyond the old part of the city to include concern for the identity of the entire city.

Before After
Photo by Robert Polidori Havana, if nobody cared...
Urbanists International's mission to raise awareness about the need for urban planning in cities of developing countries is powerful in Havana, a city that has not fallen prey to the urban mistakes of the last 40 years - strip shopping malls, elevated highways and endless impersonal office towers. Havana is a magical place whose unique identity deserves preservation. Without planning and proper development controls, Havana could easily become another anonymous resort destination.

QT Movie

Jeff & Alarcon UI Executive Director Jeff Horowitz presents a book about globalization to Ricardo Alarcon, President of Cuba's General Assembly. Urbanists International's philosophy is to connect visionary politicians with talented urban planners, architects and preservationists.

Congressman Sam Farr presented to the Cubans a letter signed by over two dozen United States Congressmen endorsing Urbanists International and its work with the Cuban government.

[Click on images to view enlargements]

Press Conference
Urbanists International and our Havana Project were formally launched at a press conference at the conclusion of the trip.

From left: Phillip McLean, Former British Ambassador to Cuba; Barbara Lee, US Congresswoman; Jeff Horowitz, Executive Director, UI; Sam Farr, US Congressman; Orestes Del Castillo, Havana Office of the Historian; Mayor Victor Ashe, Knoxville, Tennessee; Kurt Schmoke, Former Mayor, Baltimore, Maryland

Press Coverage
Reuters Article | Washington Post Article | New York Times Article

Urbanists International's work in Cuba will be conducted within the guidelines of the US Treasury Department. None of our advisors will offer specific master plan solutions or design ideas. We will exchange information about work being done around the world in the hope that the information will aid Havana's architects, planners and preservationists as they chart the future of their city.

Urbanists International Delegate List
Cuba Project Launch - Havana, Cuba
February 21-24, 2003

Jeff Horowitz, Executive Director, Urbanists International
Wayne Smith, Former Chief, U.S. Interests Section, Cuba, Senior Fellow, CIP
Hon. Sam Farr, US Congressman, 17th District CA
Hon. Barbara Lee, US Congresswoman, 9th District CA
Hon. Kurt Schmoke, Former Mayor, Baltimore, MD, Dean, Howard Univ. School of Law
Hon. Victor Ashe, Mayor, Knoxville, TN
Hon. Phillip McLean, Former British Ambassador to Cuba
Con Howe, Planning Director, Los Angeles, CA
Gil Kelley, Planning Director, Portland, OR
Eduardo Bross Tatz, Former Planning Director, Guadalajara, Chairman Planigrupo
Peter Brink, Senior Vice President, National Trust for Historic Preservation
George Marcus, Chairman, Marcus Millichap Company
Richard Kaplan, AIA, Architect/City Planner, Senior Trustee, The J.M. Kaplan Fund
Daniel Thorne, Chairman, Georgetown Steel Company, LLC, Preservationist/Conservationist
Harrison Fraker, Dean, UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design
Lee Cott, FAIA, Adjunct Prof., Harvard Graduate School of Design, Principal, Bruner/Cott
Lee Tawney, Starr Foundation Visiting Fellow, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University
Ellen Lou, AIA, Senior Urban Designer and Planner, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill
Juan Diego Perez Vargas, AIA, Principal, Kaplan/McLaughlin/Díaz Architects
Fred Koetter, Partner, Koetter/Kim Assoc., Former Dean, Yale School of Architecture
Marsha Schachtel, Senior Fellow, Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies
Deenie Yudell, Design Manager for Publications, J. Paul Getty Trust
Robert Polidori, Photographer
Louis Angelos, Attorney, Advisory Board, Johns Hopkins Cuba Exchange Program
John Angelos, Exec. VP, Baltimore Orioles, Advisory Board, Johns Hopkins Cuba Exchange
Lex Lalli, Deputy Director, East Coast, Urbanists International
Sarah Stephens, Director, Freedom to Travel Project, Center for International Policy
Pam Barry, Executive Director of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation
David Dreyer, TSD Communications, Former Deputy White House Communications Director
Stephen Rivers, Communications/ Policy Consultant
Emma Cott, Havana Project Coordinator, Urbanists International

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