Urbanists International


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September, 2002

Urbanists International is a non-profit organization offering urban design, planning, and economic development assistance to developing countries. We are primarily a volunteer corps of accomplished architects, urban planners, educators, preservationists, economists, mayors, policy makers, and other global thinkers from the US and other countries around the world. The goal of Urbanists International is to assist countries with emerging economies by:

  • Raising public awareness of the need for governments to empower planners to properly control development before the integrity of their cities is compromised;
  • Supporting the creation of comprehensive master plans and design guidelines that recognize the importance of preserving the cultural and historical identity of urban centers;
  • Offering new concepts for streamlining urban planning reviews, and the building approvals process for all new projects;
  • Developing strategies for attaining sustainable economic growth by identifying pre-approved building sites that will attract investors and create jobs;
  • Exploring appropriate strategies for ensuring that all new development ventures directly benefit the affected communities.

Critical to the mission of Urbanists International is the belief that good city planning must be supported by forward-thinking government leaders. Conversely, visionary politicians need creative designers and planners to help them realize their goals. Quality investment groups are attracted to stable partnerships between talented planners and supportive political leaders. Working in close collaboration with government officials and their planners, Urbanists International will attract well-respected international investors who understand that significant profits can be realized from projects that complement a culture and support its social agenda. Urbanists International believes that globalization can become a positive force if proper plans are made and rules established to respect, preserve, and enhance those characteristics that make each of our world's cities unique.

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