Urbanists International

UI Launch
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Photo courtesy of Stuart Franklin
Sao Paulo, Brazil. Urban Sprawl Gone Awry.


Urbanists International was founded in 2002 to offer pro bono urban design, city planning, and economic development services to developing countries, and exchange information in places where effective planning and preservation activities are already taking place — and where there are lessons to be learned that can be broadly shared. We believe that globalization can become a positive force if proper plans are made and effective rules established to respect, preserve, and enhance the cultural and historical fabric of cities and cultures around the world.

Our volunteer corps — comprised of experienced architects, urban planners, educators, preservationists, economists, mayors, and policy makers from the U.S. and other countries — will create international partnerships through which we will share experiences, ideas, design concepts, economic models, industry contacts, and other valuable resources with our professional counterparts in host countries.

Urbanists International, a non profit organization, was initiated as a project of the Center for International Policy in Washington, D.C.

The activities of Urbanists International are raising global awareness about:

  • the critical role that good urban planning can play in a country's development;
  • the benefits of a comprehensive master plan for the preservation of a city's cultural and historical identity;
  • the harsh ramifications of not controlling growth, and
  • the existence of good projects around the world that are both profitable and respectful of a region's culture.
Brussels, Belgium
Brussels, Belgium: New construction can reflect local building customs.

This is not about stopping economic growth. While advance planning is the key to avoiding the overwhelming problems of haphazard development, it is also true that contextually designed projects that respect cultural attitudes are more profitable than the fast track, "cookie cutter," modern solutions found in almost every developing country. Quality projects that respect the heritage of a region will increase land values and sustain cultural health. In short, economic development can be achieved while ensuring that cities around the world retain their unique identities.

Urbanists International operates under the auspices of the Center for International Policy in Washington, DC. Founded in 1975, the Center for International Policy is a nonprofit educational and research organization.

Urbanists International:
Supporting Economic Growth without Sacrificing Cultural Identity

Cities in developing countries are losing their identities at an alarming rate
Most new buildings around the world today — whether they are corporate hotels, fast food outlets, office buildings or retail malls — look like they are emerging from the same mold. The signage is the same, the goods for sale are the same, and the targets -- the lifestyle of the quintessentially hip consumer -- are also the same. Local values and long standing cultural legacies are being cast aside as tired and passé, while sterile, international-style prototypes are promoted as vehicles for bringing a society into the "modern world." Sadly, with every insensitive new "foreign intervention," the unique identity of a city is substantially diminished.

Bangkok. Thailand: The culture of commerce vs. the culture of design.


Before long, the image of a country shifts from being a unique destination to being just another resort or tourist destination with a sideline district of quaint historic buildings.

A volunteer corps of experienced planning professionals making a difference
Many developing countries could benefit greatly from collaborating with outside professional urban planners, but do not have access to professional expertise. Urbanists International is a new organization offering a broad range of urban design, planning, and economic strategy assistance, at no cost to the benefiting country consistent with applicable laws and customs.* We are a worldwide non-profit, volunteer corps of accomplished architects, urban designers, city planners, educators, preservationists, economists, mayors, policy makers, and other global thinkers from the US and around the world. Our advisors offer their professional skills pro bono, to help countries in need, and to exchange information in places where local authorities are already working successfully to preserve their heritage. The impact of sharing and exchanging information with local government officials, architects and planners can be profound, and this collaboration allows lessons learned from projects that have succeeded or failed in places around the world to be broadly shared. Our hope is that this information exchange will help prevent the negative effects of globalization from corrupting the cultures of all urban environments.

*Although UI offers these services to developing countries, our work with the Cuban government is substantially limited, in keeping with U.S. Treasury Department restrictions. In Cuba, UI advisors will engage with their Cuban counterparts in an information exchange only. All UI advisors participating in The Havana Project understand the restrictions on discussions about economic development and on the provision of free services.

A worldwide campaign for promoting good urban planning
One of the principal missions of Urbanists International is to raise public awareness of the need for governments to control development before the integrity of their cities has been compromised. UI supports the creation of government endorsed comprehensive master plans and design guidelines that recognize the importance of preserving the cultural and historical identity of urban centers and that optimize the contributions of local architects, planners, preservationists, and others.

Visionary politicians connecting with talented urban planners Urbanists International believes that good city planning can only take place with the support of forward-thinking government leaders. Conversely, visionary politicians need creative designers and planners to help them realize their goals. Quality investment groups are attracted to stable partnerships between talented planners and supportive political leaders. Urbanists International believes that working in close collaboration with government officials and their planners demonstrates that globalization can be a positive force. But the success is contingent upon public officials insisting on formulating proper strategic plans, establishing rules, and enforcing customized design guidelines that respect, preserve, and enhance those characteristics that make each of our world's cities unique.

Altering the destiny of a city or country: implementing a realistic set of objectives
The mission and goals of Urbanists International are real. Our experts and advisors are individuals who have played effective roles in shaping the built environment. Our collective vision is not an academic exercise; it is not meant to be a forum for architects to talk amongst themselves about the future of design. We are volunteering our time to realize the tangible results that will stem from our ideas. We believe that by raising awareness about the public's interest in good urban planning and the important role of political leaders as the keepers of their city's heritage, we can make a difference. At this moment in time, good design ideas are the easiest part. Creating legally binding design guidelines, and motivating political leaders to enforce these protective policies are the real challenges. Preservation of our cities' identities is truly at risk. But workable solutions are there for the asking.

Beijing, China  
Beijing, China: Worldwide, cities are gaining a million people per week.

Leveraging few dollars to buy thousands in free consulting time
Contributions to Urbanists International can be viewed as highly leveraged investments.** Each contribution can translate into thousands of dollars in donated services. For the cost of travel expenses and modest operating costs, Urbanists International is positioned to provide consulting time worth thousands of dollars. More importantly, if advisors' time collaborating with local architects, planners and others is spent effectively, the value added to the future of the target cities can be immeasurable. There are few non-profit worldwide assistance organizations with the potential to accomplish as much with so little funding. In essence, the real value of Urbanists International is our ability to attract experienced advisors who are willing to donate their time.

**Since Urbanists International's project in Cuba is fundamentally limited in scope (in keeping with US Treasury Department regulations), contributions to UI may support travel for advisors participating in informational exchanges, but will not support the provision of any services to the Cuban government or people.

Our full website is currently under construction. Please contact us for more information about our organization and let us know how you'd like to get involved.

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